Plant Based Durango?
Are you looking for a plant-based support group here in Durango? If you're already in, sign up below to join our private Google Group and find out about upcoming events. Otherwise, keep reading to learn more.

Local haul from the Durango Farmers Market.
What is Plant Based Durango?
Plant Based Durango is a pod in the PlantPure Communities network. Our pod is completely independent and we make our own decisions about what we want to do. Pods focus on plant-based nutrition for reasons like health, the environment, sustainability, animal welfare, and food inequities.
In Plant Based Durango you will find support, make friends, expand your knowledge, create change, build community, and have fun!
Do you like the idea of attending a potluck where you can eat anything? How about a meal prep exchange? A film screening? Book club? A community initiative like working with restaurants to expand plant-based options? These are just a few ideas!
Our community is using a private Google Group to communicate. You can interact via the web interface or email. The emails will arrive appended with [PBD] so you can easily filter them if you like.
By the way, EVERYONE is welcome! I wasn't born vegan and spent half my life consuming animal products. So if you aren't vegan or plant-based but are interested in incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet, please join us! Just remember, everything we do will be free from animal products.
To learn more about the PlantPure Communities Pod Network, visit You can even find this group on their pod map.
Why Plant Based?
PlantPure Communities grew out of the documentary Plant Pure Nation. If you're curious about why plant-based, give the film a watch! It's free on YouTube.
PlantPure Nation covers the health benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet and why this information is not well known; the connection between food deserts and the health of communities; as well as the importance of local farming.
You will begin to understand why we can't count on government or society to make the best choices for us. It'll inspire you to consider that you may be able control some health issues by changing what you eat. And the pod network is a way for us all to support each other in doing so.
Click to watch the film below or watch it on YouTube.
I'm interested in Plant Based Durango
Sign up to join Plant Based Durango and our private Google Group. This group will be how we communicate with each other about events & more.
About Me.
Hi, I'm Laura. After 5 years of traveling full-time in an RV, we're setting up a home base in Durango. I'm a long-time ethical vegan that leans whole food plant based. I love food (I used to own a vegan bakery in Atlanta), nature (see photo), and animals (there may be more pics on my phone of mule deer than anything else in Durango.) Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate, Completed January 2022, eCornell and T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies